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Current Time


What time is it in Bucharest, Romania?

Current Time

The current time in Bucharest, Romania is 11:06 AM on Friday, March 10, 2023.

Time Zone

Bucharest is in the Eastern European Time (EET) time zone, which is 2 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Daylight Saving Time

Romania observes daylight saving time from the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October. During daylight saving time, the time in Bucharest is 3 hours ahead of UTC.

Key Facts

  • UTC offset: +2:00 (EET)
  • Daylight saving time: Yes (last Sunday in March to last Sunday in October)
  • Time difference to GMT: +2:00 (EET)
  • Time difference to PST: +9:00 (EET)
  • Time difference to EST: +7:00 (EET)

